DIY Leek Powder Experiment SUCCESS
I am proud to say that my experiment to create my own Leek Powder like this one was a monumentally tasty success. It tastes a lot like onion powder except more green oniony. The main difference between mine and the store-bought is that I can make a ton of leek powder with just a 3.50 bundle of leeks.
I can't tell you exactly how much leek powder you would get from a single leek but it would be a lot. If you would like to make your own leek powder I have posted the recipe here. I will update this page with pictures and better info when I do not have a massive migraine. Just getting the infrastructure done right now.
The one thing that I have not achieved from this experiment yet is figuring out what the hockey sticks that I am going to put the leek powder in with the exception of a DIY Instant Veggie Broth and maybe a quick and dirty vichyssoise. My fiance loves Potato soup but I absolutely loathe it.
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Leek Powder Recipe